"Roadtrip in a Pink '58 Ford Star Customline", 2008, Oil on linen on board, 14.6 x 14.6cm (5 3/4 x 5 3/4 inches)
SOLDI came across this beautiful pink 1958 Ford Star Customline at Port Lincoln some 8 hours drive from Adelaide, I managed to speak to the driver to discover that he and his wife along with another couple in their FJ Holden had driven all the way from Sydney (which is about 24 hours drive from Lincoln at the speed limit, going the most direct route). I was so impressed on so many levels, firstly, how much better cars were designed 50 years ago and how they, with lots of care, can outlast the hunks of metal modern car manufacturers serve up for us to buy now. What went wrong! Why can't we produce good looking electric cars that don't look like trolleys but more like beautiful works of art that we actually are proud to drive around. The other thing that impressed me, was that these couples were taking the time off from life to travel and use the cars, BRAVO! Oh and I did get to hear the engine a little later, all V8 180kw of power of it, it purred beautifully...