Friday, August 29, 2008

Night Shift

"Night Shift", 2008,
Oil on stretched canvas, 20 x 20cm (8 x 8 inches)

Sometimes, its the humble cup of tea that can provide comfort and when it is served in such a beautiful container it satisfies more than one of the senses.



otto said...

So true! To be honest, when I drink coffee, I only really get the full effect when I use my little Victor mugs ( ceramic with a weight of roughly 12 lbs.).
A good cup can bring a bad bad of coffee ( or tea) up a notch.
I love this painting!!



This Painting Life said...

Thanks Otto :) :)

Pierre Raby said...

I love this magical painting. Looks like a water-lily floating on a
dark lake. Great colors too.

A Reason to Paint said...

Dianne this is such a beautiful painting! I love it that the dainty (fragile) china appears to be floating in the night.

This Painting Life said...

Thanks Pierre, what a poetic description of my painting, I very much like your interpretation...
AR2P, thanks, I've had this painting in my head for a long time, have finally committed it to reality!

MegaMom said...

Now I know why I had such a natural affinity for this painting - it's like a detail of 'Equilibrium' which I saw at TWMA! I so love this... my little girls will love this!

theresamillerwatercolors said...

i like the simplicity of this painting.

Jack said...

Its simply superb..nice to see this one thanks for the post.
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